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Return the confirmed and unconfirmed token history of a script hash


Function: token.scripthash.get_history(scripthash, cursor (optional), token (optional), { "from_height": 0, ...} (optional))

Version added: Rostrum 6.0.

  • scripthash

    The script hash as a hexadecimal string.

  • cursor

    Placeholder for pagination.

  • token

    Token ID as cashaddr encoded or hexadecimal string. If provided, will filter out transactions that do not include token.

  • filter

    Filter dict for what transactions/utxos are included in the result. Valid filters are:

    • from_height - Include from the given block height, inclusive (default: 0).
    • to_height - Include up to the given block height, exclusive. Use -1 to include mempool (default: -1).


A dictionary with a cursor and a list of confirmed transactions in blockchain order, including mempool. Each confirmed transaction is an array with the following keys:

  • height

    The integer height of the block the transaction was confirmed in.

  • tx_hash

    The transaction hash in hexadecimal.

See token.scripthash.get_mempool for how mempool transactions are returned.

If the cursor is non-null, this denotes that the history retuned is incomplete and suggests the client call the same query again with cursor provided for continuation of history. If cursor is null, it denotes the latest history entry is provided in current response.

Result Examples

  "transactions": [
    "height": 200004,
    "tx_hash": "acc3758bd2a26f869fcc67d48ff30b96464d476bca82c1cd6656e7d506816412"
    "height": 215008,
    "tx_hash": "f3e1bf48975b8d6060a9de8884296abb80be618dc00ae3cb2f6cee3085e09403"
    "fee": 20000,
    "height": 0,
    "tx_hash": "9fbed79a1e970343fcd39f4a2d830a6bde6de0754ed2da70f489d0303ed558ec"
  "cursor": "t1S7vY94La"