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Returns data on a specified output of specific transaction. Returns error if transaction or output does not exist.

If the output is spent, information about the spender is provided. This allows a SPV client to call blockchain.transaction.get\_merkle to generate a merkle branch, proving that it is spent.


Function: blockchain.utxo.get(tx_hash, output_index)

Version added: Rostrum 7.0

Update Rostrum 8.1: Add token details and scriptpukey


The transaction ID as hexadecimal string.


The vout position in the transaction.


A dictionary with the following keys:

  • status

State of the utxo. A string that is "spent" or "unspent".

  • height

The height the utxo was confirmed in. If it is unconfirmed, the value is 0 if all inputs are confirmed, and -1 otherwise.

  • value

The output’s value in minimum coin units (satoshis).

  • scripthash

The scriphash of the output scriptPubKey.

  • scriptpubkey

The locking script of the utxo as hex.

  • spent

The transaction spending the utxo with the following keys:

  • tx_pos

The zero-based index of the input in the transaction’s list of inputs. Null if utxo is unspent.

  • tx_hash

The transaction ID. Null if utxo is unspent.

  • height

The height the transaction was confirmed in. If it is unconfirmed, the value is 0 if all inputs are confirmed, and -1 otherwise. Null if utxo is unspent.

  • spent

The transaction spending the utxo with the following keys:

  • token_id

The token id as hex. Null if none.

  • token_amount

The amount of token in utxo. Null if none.

  • commitment

The token commitment. Null if none.

  • token_bitfield

The token bitfield. Null if none.

Example Results

    "addresses": [
    "amount": 100000000,
    "commitment": "",
    "height": 0,
    "scripthash": "4cb67fb08b4fd1b2f6b35cb7a785f65b6b00bbb34c84d982775dc20577dbc47f",
    "scriptpubkey": "76a91482d77758d158e9fe47bf81e54129f4ed55ecfb4b88ac",
    "spent": {
        "height": 0,
        "tx_hash": "39e0533673aab846837b9ca5959cc545a87c7be0f6f85a4b6cf2706599eb9fee",
        "tx_pos": 0
    "status": "spent",
    "token_amount": 42,
    "token_bitfield": 16,
    "token_id": "a0482e92a868e389cba6ff0d75664389eb2194d4bc48cfb15bd4dec89bab51e9"

Function: blockchain.utxo.get(outpoint_hash)

Version added: Rostrum 7.0

Update Rostrum 8.1: Add group details and scriptpukey


Hash of utxo (hash of transaction idem + output index)


A dictionary with the following keys:

  • status

State of the utxo. A string that is "spent" or "unspent".

  • height

The height the utxo was confirmed in. If it is unconfirmed, the value is 0 if all inputs are confirmed, and -1 otherwise.

  • value

The output’s value in minimum coin units (satoshis).

  • scripthash

The scriphash of the output scriptPubKey.

  • scriptpubkey

The locking script of the utxo as hex.

  • spent

The transaction spending the utxo with the following keys:

  • tx_pos

The zero-based index of the input in the transaction’s list of inputs. Null if utxo is unspent.

  • tx_hash

The transaction ID. Null if utxo is unspent.

  • height

The height the transaction was confirmed in. If it is unconfirmed, the value is 0 if all inputs are confirmed, and -1 otherwise. Null if utxo is unspent.

  • tx_idem

The transaction idem of the utxo.

  • tx_pos

The output index of the utxo.

  • group

The group ID as cashaddr. Null if none.

  • token_id_hex

The group ID as hex. Null if none.

  • group_quantity

The amount of group in utxo. Null if none.

  • template_scripthash

The template scripthash. Null if not template type utxo.

  • template_argumenthash

The template argumenthash. Null if not template type utxo.

Example Results

    "addresses": [
    "amount": 546,
    "group": "nexareg:tqex0rdvw0fy7j4308j3k3sqpnnqy6j825cl4evmazeutql6ycqqqne3ew470",
    "group_authority": 0,
    "group_quantity": 42,
    "height": -1,
    "scripthash": "8cfc801e08cbb086a42f4b3c698b9b64c0a60cdc4b0af07d2742ac6b1828f547",
    "scriptpubkey": "2032678dac73d24f4ab179e51b46000ce6026a475531fae59be8b3c583fa260000022a005114142e9cd6cb2bcc5ffa158b28b81f5faa02b719cf",
    "spent": {
        "height": null,
        "tx_hash": null,
        "tx_pos": null
    "status": "unspent",
    "template_argumenthash": "142e9cd6cb2bcc5ffa158b28b81f5faa02b719cf",
    "template_scripthash": "pay2pubkeytemplate",
    "token_id_hex": "32678dac73d24f4ab179e51b46000ce6026a475531fae59be8b3c583fa260000",
    "tx_hash": "25958055aa367ca4f16824a3c14d2fe6a7b297f4147316fdeac05a5a91354027",
    "tx_idem": "ed35b780d602e50ff601d7d1b24a1d6d88a937923eef4fb7591300d41718b49a",
    "tx_pos": 0