Return a raw transaction.
Function: blockchain.transaction.get(tx_hash, verbose=false)
The transaction hash as a hexadecimal string. On Nexa, this can be either the txid or txidem. However, if called by txidem, then the node must have txindex enabled. Rostrum does not have an internal txidem index.
Return a dictionary of a decoded transaction.
If verbose is false
: The raw transaction as a hexadecimal string.
If verbose is true
: The result is a dictionary of a decoded transaction.
If transaction does not exist on blockhain or in the mempool, an error is returned.
"hex" : "data", (string) The serialized, hex-encoded data for 'txid'
"txid" : "id", (string) The transaction id (same as provided)
"hash" : "id", (string) The transaction hash
"size" : n, (numeric) The serialized transaction size
"version" : n, (numeric) The version
"locktime" : ttt, (numeric) The lock time
"vin" : [ (array of json objects)
"coinbase": (string|null) Contains scriptsig hex when coinbase input
"txid": "id", (string) The transaction id
"vout": n, (numeric)
"scriptSig": { (json object) The script
"asm": "asm", (string) asm
"hex": "hex" (string) hex
"sequence": n (numeric) The script sequence number
"value" :, (numeric) The input value in BCH
"value_coins" :, (numeric) The input value in BCH
"value_satoshi" : n, (numeric) The input value in BCH in satoshis
"vout" : [ (array of json objects)
"value" :, (numeric) The output value in BCH
"value_coins" :, (numeric) The output value in BCH
"value_satoshi" : n, (numeric) The output value in BCH in satoshis
"n" : n, (numeric) index
"scriptPubKey" : { (json object)
"asm" : "asm", (string) the asm
"hex" : "hex", (string) the hex
"type" : "pubkeyhash", (string) The type, eg 'pubkeyhash'
"addresses" : [ (json array of string)
"address" (string) Bitcoin Cash address
"tokenData" : { (json object optional)
"category" : "hex", (string) token id
"amount" : "xxx", (string) fungible amount (is a string to support >53-bit amounts)
"nft" : { (json object optional)
"capability" : "xxx", (string) one of "none", "mutable", "minting"
"commitment" : "hex" (string) NFT commitment
"blockhash" : "hash", (string) the block hash
"confirmations" : n, (numeric) The confirmations
"time" : ttt, (numeric) The transaction time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)
"blocktime" : ttt, (numeric) The block time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)
"fee" :, (numeric) Transaction fee in BCH
"fee_satoshi" : n, (numeric) Transaction fee in BCH in satoshis
If verbose is false
: The raw transaction as a hexadecimal string.
If verbose is true
: The result is a dictionary of a decoded transaction.
If transaction does not exist on blockhain or in the mempool, an error is returned.
"hex" : "data", (string) The serialized, hex-encoded data for 'txid'
"txid" : "id", (string) The transaction id (same as provided)
"txidem": "idem", (string) The transaction idem
"hash" : "id", (string) The transaction hash
"size" : n, (numeric) The serialized transaction size
"version" : n, (numeric) The version
"locktime" : ttt, (numeric) The lock time
"vin" : [ (array of json objects)
"scriptSig": { (json object) The script
"asm": "asm", (string) asm
"hex": "hex" (string) hex
"sequence": n (numeric) The script sequence number
"value" :, (numeric) The input value in NEX
"value_coins" :, (numeric) The input value in NEX
"value_satoshi" : n, (numeric) The input value in NEX in satoshis
"outpoint" "hash" (string) The outpoint hash
"addresses" : [ (json array of string)
"address" (string) Nexa address
"group": "token" (string) The group ID encoded as cashaddr
"groupQuantity": n (numeric|null) The output value of group tokens
"groupAuthority": n (numeric|null) The group authority bits
"vout" : [ (array of json objects)
"value" :, (numeric) The output value in NEX
"value_coins" :, (numeric) The output value in NEX
"value_satoshi" : n, (numeric) The output value in NEX in satoshis
"n" : n, (numeric) index
"scriptPubKey" : { (json object)
"asm" : "asm", (string) the asm
"hex" : "hex", (string) the hex
"type" : "pubkeyhash", (string) The type, eg 'pubkeyhash'
"addresses" : [ (json array of string)
"address" (string) Nexa address
"group": "token" (string) The group ID encoded as cashaddr
"groupQuantity": n (numeric|null) The output value of group tokens
"groupAuthority": n (numeric|null) The group authority bits
"token_id_hex": "id" (string) The group ID as hex
"scriptHash": "scripthash" (string|null) The scripthash of script template
"argsHash": "argshash" (string|null) The argument hash of script template
"outpoint_hash": "hex" (string) Hash of utxo (hash of transaction idem + output index)
"blockhash" : "hash", (string) the block hash
"confirmations" : n, (numeric) The confirmations
"time" : ttt, (numeric) The transaction time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)
"blocktime" : ttt, (numeric) The block time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)
"fee" :, (numeric) Transaction fee in NEX
"fee_satoshi" : n, (numeric) Transaction fee in NEX in satoshis
Example Results
When verbose is false
When verbose is true
on Bitcoin Cash:
"blockhash": "00000000000000000389720f75be0c139b11307d258ef20461d3829a0b6eaa5a",
"blocktime": 1609802384,
"confirmations": 97828,
"hash": "513a9982488969ff80204b1ae6b5135b9e28516c52f658dc64b607b521af8c78",
"height": 668904,
"hex": "01000000017c7644abb7c34294416307c5010bd9077d75ea93930ea19d888c229ce136a11201000000644151fe1d606f3e02ebed01d436429229ec199b47c67220ae58fbf034d3b6e2f90e263477a925f5ba9cd98cadb0cf7193608da6a5cd597b43fa71adc0631441f168412103dae2be8889698de9913ca48a394e6dc49cfcc47919139b2f74dd05b8058731defeffffff030000000000000000136a11424553542052454345495054204556455275380000000000001976a9143dcff26ceba80f2aa0c5e762964f50002ba137bc88ac7c390000000000001976a914f40a3047ee2b1efc3c89072d798b9c3cb4fa374d88ace7340a00",
"locktime": 668903,
"size": 247,
"time": 1609802384,
"txid": "513a9982488969ff80204b1ae6b5135b9e28516c52f658dc64b607b521af8c78",
"version": 1,
"vin": [
"coinbase": null,
"scriptSig": {
"asm": "OP_PUSHBYTES_65 51fe1d606f3e02ebed01d436429229ec199b47c67220ae58fbf034d3b6e2f90e263477a925f5ba9cd98cadb0cf7193608da6a5cd597b43fa71adc0631441f16841 OP_PUSHBYTES_33 03dae2be8889698de9913ca48a394e6dc49cfcc47919139b2f74dd05b8058731de",
"hex": "4151fe1d606f3e02ebed01d436429229ec199b47c67220ae58fbf034d3b6e2f90e263477a925f5ba9cd98cadb0cf7193608da6a5cd597b43fa71adc0631441f168412103dae2be8889698de9913ca48a394e6dc49cfcc47919139b2f74dd05b8058731de"
"sequence": 4294967294,
"txid": "12a136e19c228c889da10e9393ea757d07d90b01c50763419442c3b7ab44767c",
"vout": 1
"value_coin": 0.00014453,
"value_satoshi": 14453
"vout": [
"n": 0,
"scriptPubKey": {
"addresses": [],
"asm": "OP_RETURN OP_PUSHBYTES_17 4245535420524543454950542045564552",
"hex": "6a114245535420524543454950542045564552",
"type": "nulldata"
"value": 0.0,
"value_coin": 0.0,
"value_satoshi": 0
"n": 1,
"scriptPubKey": {
"addresses": [
"asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 OP_PUSHBYTES_20 3dcff26ceba80f2aa0c5e762964f50002ba137bc OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
"hex": "76a9143dcff26ceba80f2aa0c5e762964f50002ba137bc88ac",
"type": "pubkeyhash"
"value": 0.00014453,
"value_coin": 0.00014453,
"value_satoshi": 14453
"n": 2,
"scriptPubKey": {
"addresses": [
"asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 OP_PUSHBYTES_20 f40a3047ee2b1efc3c89072d798b9c3cb4fa374d OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
"hex": "76a914f40a3047ee2b1efc3c89072d798b9c3cb4fa374d88ac",
"type": "pubkeyhash"
"value": 0.00014716,
"value_coin": 0.00014716,
"value_satoshi": 14716